Charity — UPDM


Ural Plant of Deicing Materials shares the ideas of corporate social responsibility. Part of profit is allocated for the development of cultural, environmental and sports events both at regional level and on federal scale.
UZPM supports Paralympic sportsmen and sports classes: Swimming Federation, Perm Regional Wushu Federation, School of Olympic Reserve in Rhythmic Gymnastics, hockey teams, powerlifting and others. Cooperation is established with a number of public organizations. Participates in regional cultural events, including those held within the framework of the project Secrets of Krestovaya mountain.
Particular place is occupied by projects aimed at support of enterprise specialists and their families. We are confident that help for our employees is a contribution into the development of our team and into the future of UZPM.
Ural Plant of Deicing Materials is open for cooperation and it is also ready to support projects and initiatives aimed at developing human potential, environmental protection and others.