Press centre — UPDM

Bionord tested in Yamal

Bionord tested in Yamal
Bionord tested in Yamal , image 2
Bionord tested in Yamal , image 3
01 / 03

The specialists of LLC “Ural Plant of Deicing Materials” (LLC “UZPM”, a member of the business community WTG) together with the road services of Yamal have performed the presentation of the efficiency of deicing agents in the climatic conditions of the region. Two agents were compared on the highway Salekhard-Nadym: calcium chloride and flagship of UZPM – “Bionord”. 

“The main ways to prevent the slipperiness on roads are still sand and salt-sand mix, -mentioned Andrey Shishkin, the specialist of technical supervision. – But the technologies make progress and we found an alternative to these materials. Nowadays we compare practically the properties of the two deicing materials to make sure their suitability for application in our northern conditions. As the properly cleaned roads are one of the guarantees of safety improvement of the traffic. 

Two parts of the road of the total length of 400 meters were treated with the materials: one was covered with packed snow, the second - with glaze ice. The participants of the presentation from the Directorate of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District focused the attention on the compositions of the deicing materials, specifying their safety for environment and technosphere. Besides they emphasized that the multicomponent agent “Bionord” including the corrosion inhibitors and biophile additives for extracting the salts from the soil, has a more efficient melting ability. When getting on the snow the agent starts to melt it and does not lose its properties at the temperature up to - 30 °С. Despite of its advantages calcium chloride loses its efficiency at the temperature below -10°С. As it was mentioned by the participants of the presentation, the consumption of “Bionord” is much less in comparison with the consumption of salt and salt-sand mix for treatment of the area of the same size. 

“The deicing material of “Bionord” trademark is developed for every region taking into account many criteria among which there are climate and place of application, - explained Artyom Dovzhenko, the representative of Ural Plant of Deicing Materials. – “Bionord” for Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don will have different compositions but the efficiency for ice elimination, safety and cost-effectiveness of application will be unchanged. Currently “Bionord” is used on the federal highways M-5 and M-7, on the roads and in the streets of the cities with a million-plus population, federal bridges and large industrial sites of the country”.

 Upon the completion of testing the comparative analysis will allow the specialists determining the more efficient materials for deicing that will be used on the roads of the district during the next winter season.