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Home Press centre 27 october 2022

UZPM Innovations at “Transport of a Big City” Exhibition

UZPM Innovations at “Transport of a Big City” Exhibition
UZPM Innovations at “Transport of a Big City” Exhibition, image 2
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At “Transport of a Big City. Roads. Logistics”, an annual industrial exhibition held in Chelyabinsk, Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM) presented innovative products for full-service maintenance of the roads. This unique site is arranged under auspices of the Ministry of the Public Road System and Transport of the region and brings together managers of companies and experts in cargo and passenger transportation, public road system, commercial transportation, and safety and security systems. 

During two days, participants and guests of the exhibition familiarize themselves with the industry trends and market leaders, find new solutions to optimize costs, study innovations developed for cost efficient and effective road maintenance, road repair and operation. 

At the exhibition UZPM presented Bionord, an environment-friendly product line. This brand name includes an entire line of deicing products for different climatic conditions and applications: from roads and bridges to the aviation industry and railways. By now, the Company has developed over 30 different recipes having the lowest environmental impact. 

The presented multi-component agents fully comply with new GOST 58427-2020. The new standard imposes strict requirements concerning environmental compliance and corrosivity of advanced gents toughening by 50% the requirements concerning the impact on metallic elements of urban environment. At the same time, deicing agents must be hypoallergenic and must not produce dust. As soon as the new GOST is focused on the reduction of dust in cities, the requirements concerting the size of granules for road treatment in winter have become stricter. 

Bionord, a multi-component product, is quickly activated and melts much more snow, as compared to one-component salts (halite) and conventional salt-sand mix, while Bionord consumption rate is much lower. As a result, it helps to save public money, reduce the amount of contractors’ work in winter and during spring cleaning of the city. The composition of the deicing agent includes several salts of natural origin, anticorrosive and bio-friendly additives for fast elimination from soil. Bionord can be used even at temperatures down to minus 30; the product has passed State environmental expert review and integrated assessment of environment impact. 

The new products for inter-seasonal application presented at the exhibition —road shampoo and antidust agent — allow solving the problem of spring cleaning of the street and road network and achieving the best result in reducing dust in cities in spring and summer. 

Bionord Antidust efficiency is based on its composition’s property to bind small particles of dust in bigger ones, thus not allowing them to levitate being driven by the wind and airflows generated by transport vehicles. The effect remains for more than 10 days and is not washed by rain. 

The developed material has been successfully tested in the mining industry, as well as on the roads in Kazan and Novorossiysk. Today, Bionord Antidust is used in cities of the North Caucasus and in Novosibirsk, as well as at pits of Evraz. 

“Multi-component agents are not just something new in the road maintenance, but represent an international trend based on the following three constituents: safety, environment-friendliness, and cost efficiency,” Evgeniy Nemirovskiy, expert of Ural Plant of Deicing Materials, says, “In Russia, Moscow became the first city fully switched to advanced agents. Moscow road maintenance services have several types of Bionord for different needs of the city. Modern approach to the street and road network maintenance is currently being tested in other million-plus cities: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm, Kazan, Omsk, and Ufa. Today Bionord is used in largest federal facilities where efficiency and reliability are important including highways, bridges, power sector companies, cultural heritage sites.”