Press centre — UPDM
Home Press centre 07 november 2023

Research and Development Board Responsible for Housing and Utility Infrastructure in Saint Petersburg Approved the Use of Bionord

On October 27, 2023, the Housing Committee of Saint Petersburg hosted an important meeting of the Research and Development Board specializing in the analysis and implementation of scientific and development projects in the housing and utility infrastructure.

The members of the Board listened to a report of Evgeny Nemirovskiy, Director of Ural Plant of Deicing Materials Trading House LLC, about the experience of Bionord deicing material use in the city. Since 2011, Bionord agents manufactured by Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM) have been consumed in small amounts in Saint Petersburg: mainly by private specialized customers. In addition to this, UZPM products are also used in servicing cultural heritage sites of the northern capital, such as the Palace Square, the Mariinsky Theater, the Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, and the Hermitage.

It should be noted that due to the specific climate of Saint Petersburg, which means sudden temperature changes, strong winds, and high humidity, there is a problem of ice that is effectively dealt with by Bionord when it is used.

Based on the results of the meeting, the Board members found the use of Bionord agent desirable in the housing and utility infrastructure of Saint Petersburg.