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Home Press centre 05 october 2023

Perm Deicing Agents in Use on the New Toll Road in Moscow

Perm Deicing Agents in Use on the New Toll Road in Moscow
01 / 01

In the framework of the preparation for the winter season, the first 100 tonnes of Bionord deicing agent were purchased by AFIDA-SERVICE PLUS LLC. This company renders the toll expressway maintenance services to New Quality of the Roads, JSC, the toll road operator. UZPM products are intended for winter and off-season maintenance of city roads and pavements, airports, and other infrastructure facilities and have proven themselves well in Moscow. This batch of the deicing agent is going to be used at one of the biggest infrastructure facilities of Moscow: Bagration Prospekt (Northern Alternate Route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt). This new six-lane road runs from the Moscow City business center and the Third Ring Road (TTK) to the Moscow Automobile Ring Road (MKAD) through Molodogvardeyskaya Street junction and is integrated with the toll highway of the Northern road around the city of Odintsovo and further with Mozhayskoye chaussé and Minskoye chaussé. At the beginning of September Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and Sergey Sobyanin, the Mayor of Moscow, attended the inauguration ceremony of 10 km long Bagration Prospekt and started off the traffic. 

According to the evaluations made by the Center of Road Traffic Organization of the Moscow Government, the traffic at this part of the road will amount to 50 thousand automobiles per day, and safe traffic on the expressway in the city is a priority. However, the correct operation of the road, to which investors have contributed about 65 billion rubles, is equally important. 

Most often the main stress factor leading to the destruction of the road surface is the so-called 0 degrees transition point, that is, a change in the temperature conditions in autumn and spring when a sharp cold wave at night leads to the freezing of moisture on the roads and to the formation of ice. The dangerous effects of ice can be significantly reduced by using advanced deicing agents that work at any temperature and reliably clean pavements and roads without damaging the road surface.