“Bionord squads” teach consumers to use Bionord, 30 october 2020 — UDPM
Home Press centre 30 october 2020

“Bionord squads” teach consumers to use Bionord

Together with the road services of a particular city, Plant representatives will assess the road situation and equipment and develop an effective system for using advanced deicing agents.

Specialists of the Ural Plant of Deicing Materials are ready to go to any city to work through the technology of using Bionord deicing material. 

For efficient use of any product, it is necessary to follow the instructions, and deicing materials are no exception. It should be taken into account, that the use of new generation cleaning products, such as Bionord, differs from the use of sand and salt mixtures or sand.

The consumption of UZPM products is much lower, from 20 g/m2 instead of 250-350 g/m2, and it is used mainly not after, but before any precipitation. After a while, the melted snow should be swept away to keep the road clean.

Bionord always comes with detailed instructions and car driver notices. However, each city has unique features such as weather conditions, car traffic, landscape and equipment fleet, and UZPM staff is ready to come and test-drive the technology in practice together with the local road services.

“Bionord has already become a generic term commonly used in many cities. The key task set by Rustam Gilfanov, the founder of UZPM, for UZPM scientific centers was to create an agent that would fight ice and snow quickly and efficiently, so that the city was clean and people could walk and drive safely. Bionord perfectly fulfill this function, which is confirmed by the official statistics of the National Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Ministry of Health”, says Evgeniy Nemirovskiy, Commercial Director of UZPM Trade House. “However, you need to get used to handle the material, learn to correctly determine the weather conditions and adequate consumption rates. We are ready to help road services to optimize the use of Bionord, because we, like no one else, are interested in people’s comfort and satisfaction in winter”.

To work together with the Bionord squad, simply submit a request: https://forms.yandex.ru/u/5f980f5f6c7ed6e6347cb097/ After that, the company's specialists will contact you to negotiate the date and action plan. You can call the flying squad both for testing the technology in the city where the material is already being used, and for demonstrating products for the potential use.

Recently in Kazan, UZPM representatives demonstrated the advantages of Bionord Antidust, a solution for suppressing dust in the city not only in summer, but also during periods with negative temperatures, for example, in spring or snowless winter. 

The presented technology proved to be efficient before dedusting with water and allows dusting off the roads when washing is impossible.