Press centre — UPDM

UZPM Supports Facilities of Social Importance in the Region where It Operates

UZPM Supports Facilities of Social Importance in the Region where It Operates
01 / 01

Ural Plant of Deicing Materials has transferred to Dolgoprudny Central City Hospital health aids and disinfecting agents to the amount of 1.5 million roubles. The health aids and disinfecting agents received from UZPM are going to be distributed among 12 healthcare facilities of the hospital providing medical service to 100 thousand people living in Dolgoprudny. It includes 4 outpatient clinics for adults, children’s outpatient clinic, women’s health clinic, day and night clinic for 500 in-patients, dental clinic, medical and preventive treatment facility, tuberculosis clinic, psychiatric and neurological clinic, dermatovenerology clinic.

“There is an industrial park in Dolgoprudny where our disinfecting agents are manufactured. We, having noticed the epidemiological situation in the region, influenza sick rate, COVID sick rate, ARVI sick rate, decided to help the local central city hospital. Supporting facilities of social importance in the region where the Company operates meets the value system of our Company: this is a part of the Company’s social policy,” Dmitriy Pylev, CEO of UZPM, said commenting the transfer of disinfecting agents to the hospital.

SeptTOS Extra disinfecting and antiseptic agent is used against viruses and bacteria in accordance with WHO recommendations and is intended for the use in healthcare facilities, ambulance cars, emergency zones, sanitary inspection stations, medical and preventive treatment facilities, dental clinics, and bacteriological laboratories. The product demonstrates bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal activity. SeptTOS Extra is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (except for Mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses: HIV, cytomegalic inclusion disease, herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, rotaviruses, transfusion hepatitis B, C, D, pathogenic fungi: Candida, dermatophytes.

SeptTOS Soap, SeptTOS Plus (containing D-Panthenol), SeptTOS Extra, and SeptTOS Concentrate transferred to the hospital are certified and have all necessary documentation.