Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM), the largest producer of modern deicing solutions and anti-freezing and anti-dusting additives in the Russian Federation, will deliver 165 tons of Bionord Antidust agents to Kultuminsky Mining and Processing Plant. The products delivery will start as soon as September.
The principle of Bionord Antidist and Bionord Quarry, developed on its basis, consists in binding small dust particles into larger ones, which are prevented by the material composition from rising into the air and causing dust storms.
“It is not uncommon for the mining complexes to stop their operations and wait for large amounts of dust in the air to settle as it has an extremely negative impact on the equipment moving parts. The use of UZPM’s anti-dust solutions will allow cutting back significantly the equipment maintenance costs and improving environmental safety at the ore-mining enterprises, minimizing their environmental load, while creating favourable working conditions for the employees,” Rashid Elemkhamov, UZPM Project Manager, comments. Bionord Antidist has minimal impact on soil, plants, asphalt concrete, and metal structures. The agent has been certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 113.16.01-2020 and is successfully used at Kachkanarsky, Stoylensky and other mining and processing complexes.
Bionord Antidust’s area of application is quite wide: modern anti-dust solutions are used on the roads from Novosibirsk to Yakutia. However, their primary designation is to be used during operations at the quarries, open pits, mining and processing plants, loading and unloading terminals, and crushing and screening units.
Antidust can be used for dust elimination at ore-mining facilities as a dust suppression solution during construction and repair works, transportation of bulk and dust-forming cargoes. The solution effectively counteracts the freezing of coal, ore and other bulk materials, increases the productivity of mines and quarries, and reduces transportation costs and product losses, while having minimal impact on soil, flora, asphalt concrete, and metal structures. The duration of UZPM products’ anti-dusting effect ranges from 7 to 10 days, which is significantly more effective than simple water.
Kultuminskoye polymetallic field is located in the South-East of Transbaikal Region, in Gazimuro-Zavodsky District. The field contains large deposits of gold, silver, copper, and ore. The enterprise plans to produce copper gold-bearing concentrate and gravitational gold-bearing concentrate.
The first exploration efforts in Kultuminsky area began in 1950s, and in 1960s they confirmed the availability of significant gold, copper and rare-earth metals in this region. However, it was much later that active field development began. Only several years ago, the construction of a modern ore-processing plant for production and processing of metallic ore was started at the oilfield. The opening of Kultuminsky Mining and Processing Plant took place in April, 2024.