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Home Press centre 12 october 2022

Delivery of Bionord to Novosibirsk and Launching a Snow Melting Plant

Delivery of Bionord to Novosibirsk and Launching a Snow Melting Plant
01 / 01

All road maintenance services of Novosibirsk are getting ready to work in winter. The companies retrofit their equipment, and the Mayor's office is purchasing deicing materials. This year the roads are going to be treated with deicing salt, rock crushing screenings, as well as with Bionord multi-component agent. 

“We planned to purchase 47.5 thousand tonnes of rock crushing screenings, 11.6 thousand tonnes of halite (salt), 3.5 thousand tonnes of Bionord Universal, and 2 thousand tonnes of Bionord for two-phase treatment. Almost all purchasing plans have been fulfilled, the supply of Bionord is being completed, and we are expecting the delivery of salt,” Konstantin Vasiliyev, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Improvement Complex of Novosibirsk, informed. 

For several years, Ural Plant of Deicing Materials has been supplying the following two flagship products to Novosibirsk: Bionord Universal and Bionord Two-Phase. 

Bionord multi-component product meeting new GOST 58427-2020 is efficient at very low temperatures (down to-25 С); it is environment-friendly (it has passed State environmental expert review) and cost efficient (the consumption rate is 7 times lower as compared to halite, and the melting ability is 1.5 better than that of halite). It allows you to significantly enhance the efficiency of winter maintenance of public road system facilities in the city and outside the city. 

Bionord Two-Phase is used at temperatures down to -20С. It implies wetting of granules with a special solution. Wet granules are better distributed on the road surface and wind and counterflows of air produced by vehicles do not practically carry the granules from the road. The wet phase activates the melting of ice and snow much quicker. 

To work with multi-component deicing agents, additional units of special vehicles have been purchased in Novosibirsk; in total 465 vehicles are held in inventory of the city. The availability of machinery involved in winter road maintenance is 64 %. The road maintenance services enter into contracts in order to have dump trucks to remove snow from streets. 

Sites for temporary piling of snow were specified in advance and prepared for operation. This winter in Novosibirsk a snow melting plant is going to be launched for shared use by two road maintenance services.