The representatives of the Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (LLC “UZPM”, a member of the business community WTG) took part in the meeting of the Governing board of the Krasnokamsk Polytechnical college. The perspectives of the social partnerships were discussed as well as the human capacity and technical capabilities of the interested parties.
Every year approximately a thousand of young trade job specialists graduate from the college and the management of the college is extremely interested in employment of its students on the Krasnokamsk manufacturing site of the plant. The college tries to keep up with the time, modernizing the production workshops. However, as the management of the educational institution notices, the practical training in the industrial conditions is a more efficient mechanism when learning the job. This also increases the quality of professional education, accelerates the professional adaptation of the young specialists and creates the conditions for the further successful activity at the enterprise.
During the meeting the representatives of the HR office of UZPM and the college discussed the possibility of a dual education: theory will be taught in the college and practical training will be held on the innovative equipment of the plant. The enterprise is preparing to launch two high tech production lines and expand significantly the line of products for the winter road maintenance. For this the new working places will be created. The production facilities are expecting the energetic and motivated young people interested in the development of their career at the large industrial enterprise. Nowadays the repairmen of assembly equipment, wire-men, operator-setters of automated lines are of high demand here.
– The situation with human resources has changed in comparison with last year, the highest dynamics is observed in the production field: trade jobs are becoming more popular, – notices Svetlana Baryshnikova, the HR Director of LLC “Ural Plant of Deicing Materials”. – And this is the moment when we took the decision of re-orientation when searching for the staff towards the interaction of the enterprise with the educational institutions. UZPM is a rather young industrial enterprise in the market of the Perm Krai: this year we will celebrate 15-year anniversary. We headed for the application of the best practice of the “adult” industrial companies of the successful interaction with the leading higher educational institutions and vocational education institutions when preparing the specialists of trade and engineer jobs. For the pilot project the HR Department chose the Polytechnical college because the investment projects on launch of the new production line and creation of the high tech working places are implemented on the main production facility in Krasnokamsk. It is known that the future is created by the present and the choice of the professional journey is made long before the employment.