UZPM launched retail sale of deicing materials for the Kremlin, 15 november 2017 — UDPM
Home Press centre 15 november 2017

UZPM launched retail sale of deicing materials for the Kremlin

Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM, Perm Krai) presented at "CleanExpo" exhibition, which takes place in Moscow, a line of deicers for retail sale.

UZPM launched retail sale of deicing materials for the Kremlin
01 / 01

Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM, Perm Krai) presented at "CleanExpo" exhibition, which takes place in Moscow, a line of deicers for retail sale.

The stand of the company exhibits samples of products manufactured under the brand of Bionord from Universal and Step series, as well as Ecosol. Within the framework of the event, representatives of large retail chains, hotels, cleaning and utility companies expressed interest in them. Now you can buy deicers at retail at a specialized website:

Previously, retail products as a pilot project was exhibited at gasoline stations in Moscow and the Moscow region. High demand for it confirmed the interest of consumers in the specified segment. So that the batch of Bionord at the gasoline station along the Rublevskoe highway was sold out in a few hours.

It is expected that the main audience of retail deicing materials are owners of suburban real estate, garages, management and cleaning companies, as well as drivers. Studies have identified the need for quality reagents among truck drivers who need effective means to deal with ice in difficult sections of roads.

The line of deicing materials from UZPM was expanded for retail customers. Tool for fighting with ice, Ecosol PLUS, appeared in the professional line. This deicer consists of two kinds of salts, which guarantee a melting effect even at low temperatures, and marble chips were added for instant effect.

Ecosol Plus is suitable for treating entrance groups, access areas, parking lots, yard driveways, pavements and territories of commercial facilities.

For the most demanding customers, UZPM has developed a completely new composition of non-chloride-based material, consisting entirely of biodegradable salts.

International exhibition "CleanExpo" is held in Moscow on International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo" site from 13 to 15 of November. The event is attended by representatives of cleaning companies, dry cleaners, laundries, HoReCa companies, food production facilities, medical institutions, car washes, shopping and entertainment centers, transport infrastructure facilities and other companies.

Ural Plant of Deicing Materials is located in the Perm Krai (founder Rustam Gilfanov) specializes in the production of materials for combating winter slipperiness. Together with research institutes it is engaged in the development and implementation of new types of effective and environmentally friendly deicing materials of a new generation.

The products of the company under the brands of Bionord and Ecosol are supplied to the cities of Russia and the nearby countries. The line includes deicing materials, shampoo and deicers intended for processing all types of roads, pedestrian areas, complex terrain, and also elements of urban infrastructure: bridges, overhead roads, tunnels.

Currently, a project is being implemented to expand sales markets by increasing regions and countries that are consumers of UZPM products.