Bionord at Transport Infrastructure Facilities in Moscow and Moscow Region, 22 december 2023 — UDPM
Home Press centre 22 december 2023

Bionord at Transport Infrastructure Facilities in Moscow and Moscow Region

Bionord at Transport Infrastructure Facilities in Moscow and Moscow Region
01 / 01

Mostransavto JSC, the largest automobile transport operator in Moscow Region, purchased 373 tonnes of agents from Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM), the production site of which is located in Krasnokamsk, Perm Krai.

The route network of Mostransavto JSC embraces the entire Moscow region, as well as its adjacent regions in Russia. The company provides transport services to organizations and individuals, offers vehicle repair and maintenance services, and conducts tourism operations.

Bionord deicing materials manufactured by UZPM LLC comply with all requirements specified in GOST R 58427-2020 “Deicing materials for use in the territory of settlements. General specifications”. This standard imposes strict requirements on advanced agents in terms of environmental friendliness and corrosiveness, twice toughening the requirements concerning impact on metal elements of the urban environment. Solid, combined, and two-phase deicing agents have been successfully certified in the National Certification System.

The efficiency of using Bionord agent is confirmed by the traffic police statistics. According to the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety, the number of traffic accidents on roads treated with Bionord Universal is 15–30% lower.

Moscow Metro JSC purchased more than 400 tonnes of Bionord for the winter of 2023/2024. This is not the first year when UZPM deicing agents are going to be used in depots and in the areas adjacent to stations. Previously, a decision was taken to use Bionord on Bagration Prospekt, a new six-lane ten-kilometer toll road in Moscow. Moreover, this year, UZPM Trading House LLC and Moscow Gormost GBU (state-funded institution) responsible for the operation and repair of engineering structures have entered into two contracts for the supply of Bionord Universal deicing agents in the amount of 1710 tonnes. 

The snow removal technology has been successfully tested in Moscow during heavy snowfalls and has often demonstrated its efficiency. Utility service providers receive information about expected precipitations at least four hours before the precipitations begin and start preparing for them. The most dangerous parts of the roads, such as steep ascents and descents, bridges, overhead roads, tunnels, and road intersections, as well as public transport stops, are immediately treated with deicing materials.

Rudolf Ponomarev, Deputy Wholesale Director of UZPM Trading House LLC, explains, “Thanks to our advanced deicing agents, preventive treatment of streets is possible when the weather forecast is unfavourable. The agents are applied to dry asphalt and begin melting snow as it falls. In this case, snow does not stick to the road surface and, therefore, there is no ice, which then has to be removed with plows and brushes of snow removal machines. All this helps to reduce the risk of accidents and ensures road safety in winter.”