Specialists of LLC “Ural Plant of Deicing Materials” (LLC “UZPM”, a member of the business community WTG) took part in the Saint-Petersburg International Road Forum of innovative technologies and materials for maintenance, repair and safety provision of roads and structures in winter. The organizer of the forum was the Institute of External Economic Relations “Irven”.The forum gathered all leading experts and leaders of the industry in Russia, Estonia and Finland.
Meeting the requirements of the modern national standards of road maintenance, increase of traffic and provision of pedestrian safety are the main tendencies that make the municipal authorities revise the technology of maintenance introducing the new and efficient methods of road cleaning. As trouble-free and accident-free movement of vehicles and pedestrians as well as their comfort and safety of the city in general depend upon the efficiency of snow-removal works.
The Russian innovations and the newest IT-solutions presented at the forum serve to make a qualitative leap in the problem of the winter road maintenance. The pavement cleaning machine “Ice-breaker”, snow-melting system Snowless, the modern technologies and materials for road paving in the winter period, the modern monitoring systems were in the focus of attention of the industry experts.
The specialists of UZPM were interested in the peculiarities of the winter road maintenance and elimination of slipperiness in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries. Once the enterprise delivered the flagship “Bionord” to the property managing companies of Norway and this winter it shipped the batch of deicing materials to Estonia. For the last decade these countries use the multicomponent agents of wetting technology.
The production of the two-phase agent “Biponord at Prikamsk plant is based upon the same technology. This deicing material is used now in Perm, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Izhevsk and other cities. The two-phase agent is more efficient and cost-efficient in comparison with the standard solid agents. The wetting phase starts the melting process of snow and ice formation much faster and the wet granules are spread on the surface of the road pavement more precisely, and the counter air streams do not take them outside the roadway.
Rudolf Ponomarev, Deputy Commercial Director of LLC UZPM:
- This forum has confirmed once again that our enterprise follows the world trends in production of environment-friendly and cost-efficient multicomponent agents. GOSTs that have been accepted in Russia correspond to the world standards, including also the requirements specified to the deicing compositions. In particular, the modern deicing materials shall not dust, cause allergy, vaporize. They shall be completely soluble. The level of acceptable impact of agents on metal has decreased twice and for pedestrian areas the additional check for impact on footwear has been introduced. Our enterprise is ready to produce the product according to GOST in the volume required to satisfy the Russian market of deicing materials: the plant is equipped with the newest equipment allowing manufacturing any compositions for different climatic conditions and fields of application.