On July 2, 2023, in Perm, on the last day of the Winline 3x3 Russian Championship Final, where Ural Plant of Deicing Materials was one of the sponsors, an old-timey match dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Perm basketball was held.
The first 5 minutes were in accordance with the old basketball rules of the 1920s: there was no dribbling; all shots, including penalty throws, were worth two points; there was no time limit for attacking; there was no three-point line; it was forbidden to touch the goal.
Dmitry Pylev, General Director of UZPM, played in Rabfak team together with Dmitry Makhonin, the Governor of Perm Krai, and with Andrei Kirilenko, president of the Russian Basketball Federation.
The names of the teams in the old-timey match were not chosen by chance: those were the names of the two men’s teams competed in the first basketball match held in Perm 100 years ago.
According to issue No. 110 of May 22, 1923, of Zvezda, a gubernia newspaper, two days earlier, on May 20, 1923, in the Vseobuch sports field (the former city velodrome before 1917 which is today known as Yunost stadium) the inauguration of the summer sports season took place in the framework of which two basket-ball (that is how a newspaper correspondent called the type of sports exotic for Perm dwellers) matches were held.
In the competition between the men’s teams — Yacht Club and Rabfak of the University —the score was 6 to 4 in favour of the yachtsmen. The competition between the women’s teams, where two teams of the same Yacht Club competed, ended in a draw (7 to 7) after two “halftimes” (again, this is the exact quote from Zvezda).
100 years later, in the old-timey match dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Perm basketball, Rabfak had revenge and won: the score was 16 to 13.
“Our company is proud to contribute to the development of basketball in Perm Krai. UZPM actively supports Bionord and Bionord PRO basketball teams. As for my participation in the old-timey match, this is an honor, as well as a great responsibility to take part in the celebration of the 100-year history of the sport which I have liked since my childhood and which I still play,” Dmitry Pylev, General Director of UZPM, commented on his participation in the old-timey match.