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Bionord Used at Healthcare Facilities

Bionord Used at Healthcare Facilities
01 / 01

Bionord, a multi-component deicing reagent is used in more than 60 Russian cities, including such facilities of federal significance as cultural sites, federal highways, bridges, energy enterprises, airports, as well as healthcare institutions: State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Clinical Hospital Named after Pirogov” and Regional Hospital named after Demikhov.

City Clinical Hospital Named after Pirogov is one of the oldest in Moscow, known under the ancient name “First Gradskaya”.

It was founded by Count Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn. After the death of his beloved wife, he bequeathed all his capital to build "a philanthropic, useful institution for the good of the Fatherland".

Golitsyn’s Hospital was built 10 years before the Patriotic War of 1812. Napoleon's troops entered Moscow and used the hospital to treat wounded soldiers, not only the French, but also Russian soldiers.

After the Moscow fire, new buildings were erected next to the Golitsyn’s Hospital, including the First City Hospital (in 1832), the Second City Hospital and others. In 1919, separate hospitals were merged into the First City Hospital named after Pirogov and thus it became one of the largest hospitals in Europe.

On average, about 35,000 patients receive treatment at the hospital every year. That is why the hospital management, taking care of the safety of its patients, purchases multi-component deicing reagents developed by the Ural Plant of Deicing Materials for treating the territory.

The leading scientists of Russia, including specialists of the institutes of the Ministry of Health, participated in the development of Bionord formulations. The product has a complete list of permits, including a positive conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), and a quality mark and 100 Best Goods of Russia certificate awarded by experts of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart).