Bionord Used at Cultural Heritage Sites, 25 august 2022 — UDPM
Home Press centre 25 august 2022

Bionord Used at Cultural Heritage Sites

Bionord Used at Cultural Heritage Sites
01 / 01

Bionord, a multi-component deicing reagent is used in more than 60 Russian cities. It is also applied to roads and pavements of federal facilities, including airports, highways, bridges, energy complex enterprises, healthcare institutions and cultural heritage sites, such as Red Square and the Hermitage Museum, the territory of Gatchina Palace and Park, and the historical center of Yaroslavl.

Yaroslavl is rightfully called the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia. In ancient times, there was a pagan settlement called Bear's Corner. Legend says that Prince Yaroslav wanted to baptize the locals, but they did not listen and set a bear on him. Yaroslav defeated the fierce beast and founded a city on the site of the settlement.

Yaroslavl grew and developed, carefully preserving its rich cultural heritage. Today, 140 architectural monuments are under special care of the government, including temples, museums and old mansions.

In 2005, the entire historical center of the city was included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. In order to secure the tourists while walking through the territory and prevent the ice formation in winter, deicing agents developed by the UZPM are used.

The leading scientists of Russia, including specialists of the institutes of the Ministry of Health, participated in the development of Bionord formulations. The product has a complete list of permits, including a positive conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), and a quality mark and 100 Best Goods of Russia certificate awarded by experts of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart).