UZPM will present its Clean City technologies at the international Housing and Public Utilities of Russia forum, 12 march 2020 — UDPM

UZPM will present its Clean City technologies at the international Housing and Public Utilities of Russia forum

At the forum taking place in St. Petersburg on March 18 - 20, we will present the entire lineup of advanced and eco-friendly Bionord products!

Bionord is a line of high-tech and environmentally friendly products that can effectively combat winter slippery conditions and ensure safety, keep the city clean, and also supress and control dusting in urban environments and industrial facilities.

The flagship group of Bionord products is the new generation of multicomponent ice-melts, produced with the innovative “single granule” technology developed on the latest advancements in domestic and foreign production. Deployment of these effective new applications to combat snow and ice helps to significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents and injuries among pedestrians.

Bionord products are available in several formulations, designed to address specific road surfaces and particular weather conditions:

• “Bionord Universal” - for all types of roads (down to –30 ° C);

• “Bionord Extra” - for melting ice on roads in severe frost (down to –40 ° C);

• “Bionord Sidewalks” – for sidewalks and courtyards, pedestrian zones, has a very neutral effect on shoes and soil;

• “Bionord Bridges” - for bridges, overpasses and tunnels, the composition is reinforced with anti-corrosion components;

• “Bionord Uphill” - for hilly terrain, provides instant traction for wheels with the road surface;

UZPM also produces special-purpose Bionord products, including dust-supressing solution, anti-icing application for airfields, applications for industrial refrigerators and freezing equipment in the food industry, and frost-resistant additives for concrete.

• “Bionord Shampoo” – detergent for pavements capable of removing gasoline and oil residue.

• “Bionord Anti-dust” - the latest, highly efficient and environmentally friendly product, applicable in various conditions and temperature conditions, including negative, allows you to suppress the dust of city roads, industrial facilities, quarries and industrial enterprises.

UZPM was founded in 2007 by a Russian entrepreneur Rustam Gilfanov in the city of Perm, who is now a recognized expert in the field of winter road maintenance. Today UZPM is the largest producer of modern multicomponent eco-friendly anti-icing materials in Russia. UZPM products are intended for winter and off-season maintenance of city roads and sidewalks, airports and other infrastructure facilities.

Efficiency and safety of UZPM products are confirmed by the leading road, medical and other research institutes and received the approvals of the state environmental expertise on  the federal level.

We invite you to visit our exposition at the international exhibition of Housing and Public Utilities of Russia!

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