Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM) has received Certificates of Conformity to GOST R 58427-2020 requirements for deicing materials. The Certificates of Conformity for such products have been issued by the National Certification System in the Russian Federation for the first time ever.
The certification was conducted by the Federal State-Funded Institution Volgograd Centre of Standardization, Metrology, and Testing, the only certification agency authorized to certify deicing materials in accordance with national standard s in Russia.
The obtained results of certification confirm that deicing materials of UZPM manufacture meet all the requirements imposed by GOST R 58427-2020 Deicing Materials for Use in the Territory of Settlements. General Specifications. Solid, combined, and two-phase deicing agents have been successfully certified in the National Certification System.
According to experts, the new GOST imposes severe requirements on advanced deicing agents, as to their environment friendliness and corrosivity, twice toughening the requirement concerning their impact on metal elements of the urban environment. At the same time, deicing agents used in pedestrian zones must not have impact on footwear leather and must be hypoallergenic. And, since the new standard also strives for the reduction of dust in cities, the requirements concerning the size of fine fraction granules used in winter road maintenance have also been tightened.
Deicing materials of UZPM manufacture fully comply with requirements of the national standard and respective information has been included in the Rosstandard’s Register of compliance assessment.
“Specialists of the Certification and Product Research Service of UZPM trace new requirements concerning environmental compliance and quality of products, work to prepare and approve documents while fulfilling all terms and conditions of the certification system,” Marina Demina, Director of the Certification and Product Research Service, commented. “The confirmation of the product conformity to GOST is an important integral part of UZPM business in the area of manufacture of top quality products meeting all environmental, process, and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.”